We were made to worship! The Multi-Generation Worship Ministry serves to train and disciple the Next Generation of Worship Leaders. To help students grow in their Biblical understanding of who Jesus is and their relationship with him through worship. To encourage students to serve him through musical gifts and abilities he has given them. Students will learn what it means to worship the Lord in spirit and truth.
Choir Director – Conducts all practices and rehearsals.
Choir Administrator – Completes and tracks attendance roster for each rehearsal and performance.
Choir Sectional Leader – Helps reiterate instruction given by the Director to the section of students.
Choir Liaison – Oversees the greeting of students, parents, and guests at the door.
Choir Pianist – Plays the piano with accompaniment tracks and during sectional practices to help students learn parts.
Choir Media Tech (Children’s Choir only) – Works Directly with the Director in retrieves and sets up the appropriate sound equipment needed for rehearsals.
Want more information about any of these leadership positions? Contact Angela Spade at 804.526.0424 or atoney@thb.church.