Puppet Theatre

Do you remember your first encounter with a puppet? Maybe you played along with a lamb or maybe one helped you on a “sunny day” to “sweep the clouds away”. Either way, if you had a story told to you through a puppet, you likely remember it even now as an adult.

The Puppet Ministry at The Heights is a volunteer ministry composed of both adults and youth who share a passion for reaching our small children each week. Our show is live during the 9:30am service in Central Park Puppet Theater located in the heart of Tiny Town and is geared toward preschoolers ages two to five.. We take the First Look curriculum lesson and turn it into a fun and energetic show, which the children look forward to each week! Our host energetically leads songs with the help of our countdown puppets, a storyteller introduces the week’s lesson by real life story example, and then the puppets take over with the weekly Bible lesson. We bring the Bible to life in a way a child can relate to and remember, with hope it will last a lifetime!