Welcome to Tiny Town!

Tiny Town is a place for infants and preschoolers to get to know God, learn scripture and participate in activities designed to develop skills and reinforce the lesson for the day! Our job is to build a foundation and we work hard to instill the word of God in the hearts of preschoolers! In our nursery, we sing short songs set to familiar tunes which introduce even our youngest to the Lord. Toddlers and preschoolers get a “First Look” at God as we teach them who He is and that He really does want a relationship with them! We want our preschoolers to know God made me, God loves me and Jesus wants to be my friend forever! These are the basic truths our preschoolers will carry with them when they leave Tiny Town and transition to Uptown, our elementary ministry.

Sunday Life Groups

We offer classes during all services on Sunday morning where we teach lessons based on the First Look curriculum created and developed by The reThink Group. Our lessons begin during the first service as leaders introduce the story for the day and lead children through various activities to reinforce the Bible story for the day. In Puppet Theatre, children will review the memory verse for the month, worship God through music and hear the Bible story presented by puppets. During the second service, children will participate in activities centered around the day’s lesson and will review the Bible story for the day. For more information on First Look, visit www.whatisorange.org.


Hangtime for Preschoolers is a program created by the Next Generation Ministry which extends what children are learning on Sunday morning into Wednesday evening.  The First Look curriculum provides us with several activities and crafts to do each week which we will carry into Wednesday evening programming.  Each week children will begin learning what quiet time looks like and how to journal.  For preschoolers, this means a short time of prayer and drawing pictures or coloring in a book, but it’s more about creating a habit of spending time with the Lord.  Preschoolers will also participate in team building games and experience a brief time of worship as they review the memory verse and listen to the Bible story for the week. Each week will also offer a different station for preschoolers to visit including: snack, service project, craft and theme related games and activities.

Children must to turn 2 by September 30th of the current school year and may participate until they begin Kindergarten.


We are excited to be able to share God’s love with you and your little one in our Preschool Ministry and this is a great place for your preschooler to build relationships and connect with friends! When you visit for the first time, please check-in about 15 minutes early at the Tiny Town desk located near the North entrance. Our team will walk you through the check-in process, show you to the age appropriate classroom for your child and introduce your family to the classroom leader. Your child’s safety and security is very important to us! We have a security system in place to safeguard your child whenever they are in our care and all volunteers in Tiny Town are subject to a regular background check through Raptor.


As you can imagine, it really does take effort on everyone’s part to offer an effective ministry for our infants, toddlers and preschoolers. There really is no other way to offer what we do without help from our families, so we ask all parents/guardians to serve in Tiny Town on a rotational basis.

For serving opportunities and details in Tiny Town, please contact Brandi Petrov at bpetrov@thb.church.

Parent Child/Dedication

Welcome to parenting! You may not realize it but it’s important to start with the end in mind! The influences in your child’s life now will impact who he/she becomes as an adult. Desire to raise great adults who love and cherish God’s Word and parent with the end in mind, not the moment. What if we make decisions based on what is best for our children’s long-term spiritual development and not their immediate compliance or happiness?

God has an exciting journey for you and your family and we want to partner with you to make this journey memorable, enjoyable and everything you hope it will be! Parents have so much in common: trials, triumphs, routines and limitations and families at The Heights want to come alongside you for the betterment of a healthy, happy home life!

Parenting is a life-long learning experience and we want to help you start strong. This Dedication event is designed to provide you with a life time of support and encouragement as you travel this journey!

The Parent/Child Dedication process consists of three steps:
Orientation: a class during which parents will have the opportunity to connect with other parents, will learn what biblical parenting looks like, will evaluate the influences in the life of their child and family and will start thinking about who their child will become as an adult. During this class, you will also receive all the details about and can register for the Celebration and Ceremony.

Celebration: a social for families to celebrate this milestone with close friends or family members who are actively involved in their lives. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parents who are traveling the parenting journey alongside you.

Ceremony: a formal opportunity to dedicate your child and family to the Lord before the congregation. Families and the church body will make a commitment to teach children about the Lord and to help them grow in their relationship with Him.

Parents are called and equipped by God to pour Christ into their children! The Heights family can train you in God’s Word and can guide you in being the Primary Faith Trainer God called you to be! We’re excited to be able to partner with you on this journey!

For details or more information:
Melissa Venema, Administrative Assistant to Children’s Ministry: 526-0424 or mvenema@thb.church
Brandi Petrov, Director of Nursery and Preschool: 526-0424 or bpetrov@thb.church

Parent Resources

As a parent, you make the most significant spiritual impact on your child. Committing to put God first through family devotional time, prayer time and regular church attendance is teaching your child about the importance of making God a priority. We want to partner with you as you teach your child about your own faith and what following Him looks like.

The Parent Cue App “cues” parents in on great times and talks about faith with their children. When you download the app you can see what your children are learning in church each week. The app also gives parents great activities to do as a family that pertains to the Bible stories taught to their children each week at The Heights! This is one of the best tools our church has in partnering with parents in the home to grow their children’s faith.

Other resources are available in Tiny Town and throughout the Next Generation Ministry.

Download Parent Cue App