God gives us the opportunity to come to Him directly through prayer. He reveals Himself to us through the Bible. We have no greater opportunity to touch the heart of the Almighty and bless those around us than what we find in these times of prayer and the study of God’s Word. We pray that you will take time now, at the beginning of the new year, to cultivate the habit of meeting with Him each day. The Heights hopes to encourage you in this with a 21 day prayer guide (meant to be used together, January 6-26) as well as the year-long Bible reading plans.

We invite you to join us for the 21 days of prayer and fasting starting on Monday, January 6, and ending on Sunday, January 26.
Printed prayer guides will be available at the Information Desk. The prayer guide will include the Bible readings from the New Testament Bible reading plan for 2025. A PDF of the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting booklet is available here (9MB file size).
During the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, the church will be open for prayer Monday through Friday, from 6:30 to 7:15am. We also invite you to join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30 in the adult wing for a time of focused prayer for our nation, community, and church.
We look forward to seeing God move in and through our prayers in 2025!

This year we are offering two Bible reading plans; one designed to cover the entire New Testament through 2025 and one that includes readings from both Old and New Testaments. Monday through Friday readings are supplemented with scheduled videos from our pastoral staff on social media. Printed copies of the reading plans may be available at the Information Desk. Online versions are available at the links below.
New Testament Reading Plan 2025 on Tether
Old and New Testament Reading Plan 2025 on Tether